Geraldo Loureiro, 2010

Título: Diretrizes para implantação da governança de TI no setor público brasileiro à luz da teoria institucional. In: Tipo documento: Dissertação de Mestrado Autor(es): José Geraldo Loureiro Rodrigues (Geraldo Loureiro) Ano: 2010 Local:  Palavras-Chave: Governança Pública, Governança de TI, Gestão de TI, Teoria Institucional, Teoria de Agência, Diferença Setor Público e Setor Privado Resumo: A área de TI tem se tornado crucial no suporte, sustentabilidade e crescimento dos negócios. Porém, o uso pervasivo de tecnologia tem criado uma dependência crítica das organizações à área de TI, requerendo foco estreito com a Governança de TI (GTI). Apesar das determinações dos órgãos de controle interno e externo …


Título: An extended platform logic perspective of IT governance: managing perceptions and activities of IT. In: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 12. Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): SCHWARZ, A.; HIRSCHHEIM, R. Ano: 2003 Local: Palavras-Chave: Resumo: Over the years, Information Technology (IT) has struggled with how to create an effective structure and processes. It is our main thesis that if organizations focused more on implementing a sound IT governancestrategy, itmighthelpsenior executives tomanagenotonlythe IT-related activities, but also the perceptions between IT and the rest of the organization, and, in doing so, foster a more successful IT organization. Using six case …


Título: Teoria Institucional e Dependência de Recursos na Adaptação Organizacional: uma visão complementar. In: RAE-eletrônica, Vol. 4 Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): ROSSETO, Carlos; ROSSETO, Adriana Ano: 2005 Local: Palavras-Chave: Perspectiva institucional, adaptação estratégica, dependência de recursos, determinismo ambiental, isomorfismo. Resumo: O presente trabalho aborda o processo de adaptação estratégica organizacional utilizando para sua análise duas abordagens distintas: a perspectiva Institucional e da Dependência de Recursos. O texto em um primeiro momento apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as perspectivas e após a discussão de como a utilização de ambas na análise dos processos pode contribuir para seu entendimento. A perspectiva …


Título: Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony. In: The American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 83 Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): MEYER, John; ROWAN, Brian Ano: 1977 Local: Palavras-Chave: Resumo: Many formal organizational structures arise as reflections of rationalized institutional rues. The elaboration of such rules in modern states and societies accounts in part for the expansion and increased complexity of formal organizational structures. Institutional rules function as myths which organizations incorporate, gaining legitimacy, resources, stability, and enhanced survival prospects. Organizations whose structures become isomorphic with the myths of the institutional environment – in contrast with those primarily structured …


Título: Revisiting IT Governance in the Light of Institutional Theory. In: 42th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. IEEE Computer Society Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): JACOBSON, Dax Ano: 2009 Local: Palavras-Chave: Resumo: IT governance research has been largely normative and has provided a great deal of useful insight into what effective IT governance should be. What has received less attention is an understanding of what really happens as organizations struggle to achieve effective IT governance. We argue that the time has come to supplement the important research on what IT governance should be with research on how IT governance …


Título: Agency Theory: An Assessment and Review. In: Academy of Management Review, Volume 14 Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): EISENHARDT, Kathleen Ano: 1989 Local:,%20An%20Assessment%20Eisenhardt,%20AMR%201989.pdf/at_download/file Palavras-Chave: Resumo: Agency theory is an important, yet controversial, theory. This paper reviews agency theory, its contributions to organization theory, and the extant empirical work and develops testable propositions. The conclusions are that agency theory (a) offers unique insight into information systems, outcome uncertainty, incentives, and risk and (b) is an empirically valid perspective, particularly when coupled with complementary perspectives. The principal recommendation is to incorporate an agency perspective in studies of the many problems having …


Título: Agency – and Institutional – Theory Explanations: The case of retail sales compensation. In: Academy of Management Journal, Volume 31 Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): EISENHARDT, Kathleen Ano: 1988 Local: Palavras-Chave: Resumo: This research evaluated when organizations use salary compensation and when they use compensation that is based on performance. Variables from agency – and institutional – theory perspectives were used to explore the sales-compensation policies of 54 retail specialty stores. The programmability of a job, span of control, uncertainty, type of merchandise, and the age of a store chain were strong predictors of compensation policy. Overall, the results …


Título: The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields. In: American Sociological Review, Vol. 48. Tipo documento: Artigo Autor(es): DIMAGGIO, Paul; POWELL, Walter. Ano: 1983 Local: Palavras-Chave: Resumo: What makes organizations so similar? We contend that the engine of rationalization and bureaucratization has moved from the competitive marketplace to the state and the professions. Once a set of organizations emerges as a field, a paradox arises: rational actors make their organizations increasingly similar as they try to change them. We describe three isomorphic processes-coercive, mimetic, and normative-leading to this outcome. We then specify hypotheses about …